
Authored by Jack LaBelle

To get students thinking about New Orleans critically and empathetically, they will consider - both through writing and discussion activities - the significance of floods and catastrophes on people, cities, nations, and the environment. These activities will be supplemented with GoogleEarth images of New Orleans before and after the storm, video montages of Katrina footage, and clips showing reactions to the hurricane.

Please click the image at left to view or download
the introductory lesson plan, or click HERE.

Authored by Amy Ankenbrandt

Students will continue working with Josh Neufeld's graphic novel, A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge, and create a tableau performance piece based upon the day's readings. Groups of five will reexamine the text, identify several pivotal scenes from the book, and act them out by 'freezing' the key actions of each scene - as if the characters were suddenly made into statues - and 'melting' fluidly from one tableau to another.

Please click the image at left to view or download
the A.D. tableaux lesson plan, or click HERE.

Authored by Ryan Griffin

The third in a series of three Zietoun lessons, students will read select passages from Eggers' novel and engage directly with the personal and political aspects highlighted therein. Most specifically, they will be asked to consider in writing how - or if - the characters in Zeitoun could return to ordinary life after witnessing the devastation and chaos of Hurricane Katrina and the post-Katrina government response.

Please click the image at left to view or download
the final Zeitoun lesson plan, or click HERE.

Authored by Kelly Spicer and Anna Lee

Students will complete a three-day WebQuest during which they will gather information about New Orleans to create an alternative city brochure. While most travel brochures focus on attractions, shopping, and dining, students will create one that also includes historical, cultural, and political information and includes volunteer opportunities in post-Katrina New Orleans.

Please click the image at left to view or download
the WebQuest lesson plan, or click HERE.

For more information about this lesson, please visit the WEBQUEST tab on the menu bar above.

Authored by Amanda Steffenhagen

In addition to the main texts of this unit, students will work with excerpts and passages from two other novels, the first of which is Nella Larsen's Passing. Dealing most specifically with the concept implied by the title, students will empathetically explore what it means to 'pass' as someone or something else, especially in a racial context.

Please click the image at left to view or download
the Passing lesson plan, or click HERE.